A new year at Eclipse
A Challenging 2020
I think it is fair to say that 2020 was a difficult and challenging year for the whole of the UK and as a country we had hoped that 2021 would see an end to the frustration and uncertainty however the latest government announcement of a prolonged lockdown has certainly thrown yet another spanner in the works. Rest assured here at Eclipse we are heading into 2021 with our continued resilience and determination to provide first-class service to our clients whilst continually developing new ways of working during these unfortunate and uncertain times.
Let me take a moment to give you an outline of what we are currently doing at Eclipse to continue operating during these ‘new’ normal times. Firstly, Eclipse are very much open for business as usual and all our studios are still available for filming. I am pleased to confirm we are still offering our full services which includes a Digital division, which specialise in content and platform management. As ever, we are committed to investment in our team by providing quality training and development opportunities enabling the team to provide clients with innovative, safe, reliable and creative ways of working during these unprecedented times.
Cloud based virtual events
It is time to look to the future of the events industry and how we are continuing to be creative with the way we support our clients, which is why I am pleased to also announce our Cloud Infrastructure, which is the ideal solution to enable any of your upcoming events to continue as planned. Our Cloud Infrastructure allowing people to continue in their roles even if they are self-isolating and if for any reason a person is unable to work, an understudy will be able to simply log in to their remote station and continue with little interruption. Also, all content and remote presenters are mixed in the cloud which means if a remote engineer’s broadband connection is interrupted it won’t interfere with your stream. Our Cloud Infrastructure means that any size of event can take place without the need for production staff to be in the same area. Finally, our App based cloud Show Coms enable the team to communicate with each other wherever they are working in the world.
If you would like to discuss our Cloud Infrastructure do not hesitate to contact a member of our team today. Having delivered many events in 2020 over multiple time zones, across several continents day after day, you can be assured your event is in safe hands!
Now a moment for reflection on 2020 and to share a few of our achievements, we are delighted to have won two new prestigious London hotel contracts and are proud to have gained three new global corporate contracts. These successes are an example of our continued dedication and determination, and we are optimistic and hopeful that 2021 will see the permanent return of live events across the UK and until then we are here for our clients to support events in any way that we can.
Click here to get in touch on how we can produce the perfect event for you.