60 seconds with… Nicolas
Senior designer Nicolas has worked with Eclipse for seven years where he is responsible for overseeing the 3D design of sets, stands and other projects. He tells us more about his role and shares some thoughts about the creative process behind his work.
Tell us about a typical day at Eclipse:
I get in, I’m busy, busy, busy, then I go home.
Where do you find inspiration for your set and stand designs?
Every project is unique and each brand we work with is unique, so that uniqueness will take you to different places to look for inspiration. However, life can be quite a source of inspiration and I can find it anywhere: In architecture, nature or films for example.
What set design have you been most proud of?
Instead of highlighting a particular set, I would say that clients can make a whole job or design a lot more fun when they allow us to approach it creatively. S&P Global Platts, Bauer Media and are usually fun clients to work with, hence great stuff comes out for them.
What kind of client briefs are your favourite?
The ones with a good budget and who give us the freedom to create something spectacular for them.
Did you always want to be a designer?
I’ve always been interested in creating and designing, so I studied industrial design at university. The industry opened its doors to me more than 14 years ago and I’ve been here ever since.
What design trends should we all be paying attention to?
Eco-friendly. The world is moving into a more conscious way of creating and producing everything, so the industry will probably follow. I foresee that we will have more reusable structures that incorporate new technology in the future.
I also believe that 3D printing will start to be used more frequently in design as the technology becomes more advanced.
What makes you smile most at work?
A good result, a happy client and a nice cup of coffee.